Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment
Request For Quote
- RFQ No.: NDoH002-26-02-2024
- Date of Publication: 27 February 2024
- Deadline: 04 March 2024 at 09:00 am
- IHPS Business Hours: 08:00 – 16:00
Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment.
Contact Details: For submission of quotations or any other enquiries:
(Please use RFQ no. as subject reference)
Invitation for Quotation:
The IHPS hereby invites the submission of quotations for the supply and delivery of medical equipment.

Additional Requirements:
- The supplier must submit quotation on their official company letterhead.
- The supplier must quote on all the items listed above.
- The pricing must be firm and inclusive of all costs required to supply the required goods to the IHPS.
The following documents must be submitted with the quote:
- CIPC Registration Documents.
- Bank Confirmation Letter.
- Tax Compliance Status Pin.
- Notice of VAT Registration.
- CSD Report (Not Older Than One Month).
- SBD 4 – Declaration of Interest completed signed by the service provider.
- SBD 8 – Declaration of Bidders Past Supply Chain Practices.
- SBD 9 – Certificate of Independent Bid Determination.
- Valid B-BBEE Certificate/ Sworn Affidavit (Failure on the part of the bidder to submit proof of B-BBEE with the bid will be deemed that preference points for B-BBEE status level of contribution are not claimed &will therefore be allocated 0)
Procedure for submission of quotations:
- All quotations must be submitted electronically through email to no later than Monday, 04 March 2024 at 09:00.
- (Please use the RFQ number as the subject reference)
- Quotations submitted after the closing date and time of this RFQ will be considered late submission. No late quotations will be evaluated.
- No hard copies or physical submissions will be accepted.
- Quotations and all other documents must be submitted electronically in PDF format only.
- All documents submitted electronically via email must be clearly visible.
Pricing Quotation:
Price needs to be provided in South African Rand (excl. VAT), with details on price elements that are subject to escalation and exchange rate fluctuations clearly indicated.
Price should include additional cost elements such as freight, insurance until acceptance, duty where applicable, etc.
Payment will be according to the IHPS Payment Terms and Conditions.
Other Terms and Conditions:
The supplier shall under no circumstances offer, promise, or make any gift, payment, loan, reward, inducement, benefit, or other advantage, which may be construed as being made to solicit any favour, to any IHPS employee or its representatives.
Such an act shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement and the IHPS shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement forthwith, without prejudice to any of its rights.
A validity period of 30 days will apply to all quotations except where indicated differently on the quote.
No goods and/or services should be delivered to the IHPS without an official IHPS purchase order. An IHPS purchase order number must be quoted on the invoice. Invoices without an IHPS purchase order numbers will be returned to supplier.
IHPS reserves the right to appoint or cancel the RFQ, and the continuity of the work published is subject to the availability of funding.