TB Quality Improvement Officer
Full Time
- Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract
- Start Date: 01 June 2022
- Remuneration: R49 158
- Level of Effort: 100%
- Johannesburg Health District x7 Positions
- Dr Kenneth Kaunda District x3 Positions

Overall Responsibilities
The role of the Quality Improvement (QI) Officer is to provide practical knowledge transfer to facility staff on how to use QI methods to improve clinical outcomes. This involves overall planning for implementation in a phased manner with the aim to achieve 100% coverage by the end of the three-year grant period. The QI Officer will be directly reporting to assigned IHPS supervisor in the district who will monitor day-to-day activities and approve timesheets. In addition, the QI Officer will work closely with the subdistrict TB or HAST Manager and provide reports to the direct supervisor and subdistrict manager.
Key Performance Areas:
- Develop overall subdistrict work plan for the TB quality improvement with clear roles, responsibilities, and timeframes
- Work hand in hand with the subdistrict teams in preparations for training and overall implementation of QI
- Build capacity for facility and subdistrict staff to ensure standardization of QI implementation
- Provide ongoing mentorship through regular joint facility visits with the subdistrict TB manager, prioritizing underperforming facilities
- Monitor progress against the TB care cascade targets through facility data reviews
- Identify, address, or escalate challenges that arise during the improvement process to remove barriers
- Provide progress reports in monthly cluster meetings to share experiences, successes, and challenges of implementation
- Participate in the baseline data collection, data quality assessments (DQAs) for facilities
- Document and share best practices on an ongoing basis
- Provide progress reports in subdistrict meetings and participate in district health management team (DHMT) and quarterly review meetings.
- Report daily or weekly to the district level IHPS supervisor, or as per IHPS human resources (HR) management and administration policies and procedures.
- Submit monthly activity reports as per workplan to the district level IHPS supervisor and district TB manager
- Collaborate with other technical partners to ensure alignment of QI methodology implemented
Qualifications and Experience:
- An appropriate three-year national diploma/degree in Health Sciences or Social Sciences
- At least 2 years’ experience in training or facilitation
- At least 2 years’ experience in health programme management
- Clinical experience in the management of TB and HIV co-infected patients
- Experience in QI implementation
- Administrative and management skills
- Experience in stakeholder management
- Valid driver’s licence