TB/HIV Program
Overall Goal
To implement evidence-based strategy for TB prevention, early TB diagnosis, linkage to treatment for TB disease/ infection as well as retention in treatment and care until completion; and strengthen the delivery of TB services at facility and community levels by improving the quality of care and data management, all carried out in an efficient, effective, cost effective, and sustainable manner.
Module 1 & 2

Module 1: TB Care and Prevention
- TB case detection and diagnosis
- TB treatment
- Engaging all care providers

Module 2: TB/HIV Service Delivery
- Prevention
- Community TB/HIV service delivery

Module 3: MDR-TB Services
- DR-TB prevention
- DR-TB case detection and diagnosis
- DR-TB treatment

Module 4: Resilient System for Sustainable Health (RSSH)
- Health management and M&E
- Pharmaceutical services support
Module 3 & 4
Expected Long-term Outcomes
1- Improved TB care and prevention services
2- Sustainable and integrated TB/HIV facility-and-community based service delivery
3- Strengthen decentralised MDR-TB services
4- Strengthen TB/HIV health management, M&E and pharmaceutical support system